PEDI Intern Curriculum
In the first year of the pediatric longitudinal simulation curriculum, PGY1 residents are placed in simulation cases that reflect situations in which they would realistically find themselves, including being the first responder in the ED and on the wards. The …
PEDI PICU Fellows Training
Once a month, pediatric critical care fellows participate in a variety of simulation-based learning opportunities ranging from procedural skills workshops (i.e. chest tube placement, management of the difficult airway, CVL placement) to leadership training employing high-fidelity manikins and simulated critical …
MED Intern Curriculum, Part I
This course utilizes case-based simulation training for all Department of Medicine interns to introduce them to clinical management principles and protocols at MGH. Communication training is also included. There is an emphasis on how to understand and safely work within …
RAD Contrast Reaction
This course uses didactic and hands-on simulation training to teach MDs, RNs, NPs, PAs, and Technologists how to respond to adverse contrast reactions, by learning to identify specific types of reactions and radiologic emergencies, and to select and implement the …
MED Junior Curriculum
The junior curriculum provides more advanced training in the management of acute hospital events and in more complex patients. There is a focus on leadership skills. A technique known as Rapid Cycle Deliberate Practice, where simulation cases are stopped frequently …
EM Physician Assistant/Nurse Practitioner Training
This course is designed to assist Emergency Department Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners in becoming familiar with common procedures in the ED. Learners will be introduced to set up, patient positioning, sterile fields, handing and disposal of equipment, risks and …
CARDIAC SURG Physician Assistant/Nurse Practitioner Training
This course provides PAs and NPs in the Cardiac Surgery service opportunities to routinely practice procedural task commonly encountered in the clinical setting.
ONCOL Nurse Practitioner Training
This course provides a simulation-based orientation of new Oncology nurse practitioners. In several general medicine cases. participants will learn how to manage common medical scenarios that occur on the Oncology inpatient wards, to recognize pending clinical instability of inpatients, and …
PEDI Junior Curriculum
In the second year of the pediatric longitudinal simulation curriculum, PGY2 residents are placed in simulation cases that reflect situations in which they would realistically find themselves, including being the first responders in the PICU and the delivery room. The …
PEDI Senior Curriculum
In the final year of the pediatric longitudinal simulation curriculum, senior residents are placed in simulation cases that reflect situations in which they would realistically find themselves, including leading codes and being the first responder in the NICU. The cases …
MED Intern Orientation
A case-based approach to introduce Department of Medicine Interns to clinical management principles at MGH.
No Current Offerings
EM Disaster Preparedness Training
This course is designed for members of MGH emergency response teams to practice the management of crisis situations with significant contaminant impact. Using a variety of cases, participants will practice how to clinically manage a critically ill patient, while wearing …
EM Procedural Sedation
This course is an element of the privileging process in the MGH Emergency Department. All attending staff and selected nursing staff will complete traditional on-line training and participate in two simulation cases to become familiar with the techniques and protocols …
EM Resident Sim Shift
Using an immersive simulated ED experience, PGY1 residents learn to manage 7 essential high-risk cases, under direct faculty observation, during a "simulation shift." Each case will require patient admission in which the resident will pass off the virtual patient using …
LL Danvers Simulation
The MGH Learning Laboratory collaborates with colleagues at Mass General/North Shore Center for Outpatient Care (Danvers) providing both on-site and TeleSimulation simulation-based training opportunities.
LL Faculty Development
This course is designed to support the development of a core group of Learning Laboratory instructors and debriefers. Led by expert simulation educators, the sessions of this course address a variety of topics to help Lab instructors develop and continuously …
MED Hospital Medicine Unit APP Students and Medical Students
This course provides NP and PA students rotating on the Hospital Medicine service with opportunities for deliberate practice of acute clinical scenarios and common procedures encountered during their clinical rotation. With modules on a variety of topics, rotating students have …
MED Intern Curriculum, Part II
The second part of the intern curriculum runs during the Spring. There is a focus on critically-ill patients, peri-codes, and codes with ACLS. There is increased focus on leadership skills in acute events.
MED Pulmonary & Critical Care Fellows Training
The course provides the first year trainee in pulmonary & critical care medicine with a simulation experience for 1) vascular access, including central lines and intraosseous line, 2) thoracentesis, 3) bronchoscopy, and 4) the use of ultrasound as it relates …
NEURO Resident Curriculum
This simulation-based course is designed to introduce junior neurology residents to a series of neurologic emergencies. Small groups of residents participate prior to their first ED shift or ICU night shift to help them develop the critical thinking skills and …
PEDI Night Sim
These sessions are conducted on the Pediatric patient floors and provide an opportunity for the care teams to practice procedures and enhance skills in the delivery of safe and efficient patient care.